Results of ЕНТ 2018

In 2018 Single National Testing was conducted in fifteenth time.
609 from 911 graduating students of 11th forms of schools of city took part in testing, among them 282 students with Kazakh of educating and 327 – with Russian of educating.
On results ЕНТ 2018 the index of middle point made 93, 89 points (2017 – 89, 36 point), that is higher than index of the last year on 4, 53 point. In a cut on the languages of educating index of middle point on schools with the official language of educating is 98, 72, with Russian of educating is 89, 71.

Within the framework of realization of Message of President of Republic of Kazakhstan N.А.Nazarbaeva to people of Kazakhstan from January, 10th , 2018 “New possibilities of development in the conditions of fourth industrial revolution” on free possession the graduating students of schools by three languages in 2018 possibility was first given  of handing over of the single national testing  in English. 3 graduating students of gymnasium named after A. M.Gorky took advantage of such possibility and handed over the single national testing in English language of educating, a result was 97 points.
From 609 graduating students, taking part in ЕНТ, 3 students chose creative specialties as a future profession. In ЕНТ they had to hand over history of Kazakhstan and literacy only.

The study of achievements of students shows that 259 (42, 53 % of graduators collected over 100 points. This index implies the increase of chances on the reception of under backs. Entered “five” of the best graduating students of  Kostanay: 133 points – Malkenova  Marzhan (school №10); 132 points – Mailybaev Arman (school №15), Suleimenova  Elana (school №2); 131 points – Utemisov Dauren (school №10), 130 points – Akhanov Ernur (GSM), Kudebaeva Tomiris (GSM).

27 statements on participating in ЕНТ from school – lyceum № 2 were given; there were 26 students on the final testing.
Total sum of points is – 2347
Middle point on school is – 90, 27
Threshold point is 50 – all of 26 students collected
Maximal point is – 132 (Suleimenova Elana)


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