Dear parents and 11th grade students!

In accordance with subparagraph 56) of Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, UBT (UNT) is one of the forms of selection exams for admission to higher and (or) postgraduate education organizations. Therefore, we inform you that the results of the UBT (UNT) are not subject to final certification, do not affect the marks “Altyn belgi” and the marks for the certificate. We also note that every school graduate has the right to participate in the UNT.

Challenge “My Favorite Book”

Each person has favorite books that are re-read. And, often, the heroes of the books become friends who want to imitate.

The head of the library, Tatyana Viktorovna Potapova, within the framework of the “Reading School” project, held a “My Favorite Book” challenge among students of grade 4.

Purpose: development and support of interest in reading, development of speech, imagination and thinking in the reader.

To participate in the challenge, photographs of children with their favorite book and feedback about it, a video, where the participant talks about the book they have read, were accepted.

The “My Favorite Book” challenge showed that children readily read, with pleasure talk about the books they have read so that they want to read them. Students’ work is creative and promotes the value of the book.

We bring to your attention the video “My favorite book”.

Challenge “Read with the whole family”

What could be more beautiful than getting the whole family together for reading! Mom, dad and children read wonderful stories, feel the light of parental love. It is a good tradition – reading with the whole family leaves memories for life, helps to unite the family with common emotional experiences, images, meanings. Read to your kids: nothing brings you closer than reading together!

The head of the school library – lyceum №2, Potapova Tatyana Viktorovna, offered the challenge “Reading with the whole family” for students and parents of the 3rd grade within the framework of the “Reading school” project.

A short video review is presented to your attention based on the results of the challenge. We are looking forward to your feedback and comments.

I love reading poetry!

Today, more than ever, the appeal to poetry is relevant: an introduction to it represents endless opportunities for the spiritual growth of a child. It is poetry that awakens noble feelings in the child’s soul, fosters love for the native word, respect and care for loved ones.

As part of the “Reading School” project, the school library held a distance marathon “I love to read poetry” for 2nd grade students.

Schoolchildren with great desire took part in the marathon, presented videos of reading their favorite poems by heart.

We present to your attention a small video “Poems are different”.

Mental health to every home!

In honor of World Mental Health Day, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), together with the Republican Center for Mental Health, is organizing an online marathon of free psychological assistance.

On October 10th , from 11:00 to 16:00 on Facebook pages @rspckz and @UNICEFKazakhstan there will be a live broadcast with doctors of the highest qualification category in the specialties: psychiatry and psychology. Practicing psychologists, psychiatrists, narcologists and educational psychologists will answer all your questions.

Participation in the online marathon is free.  🙌🏼

You just need to go to our pages during the broadcast, ask questions in Kazakh or Russian and get the necessary information from experts 😊

You can also leave your questions in advance under this post or send them to us at – we will definitely ask them live broadcast.


The project “Meet Me – It’s Me!”

Dear Guys!

Dear Parents!

Starting April 6, 2020, we are launching the project “Meet Me – It’s Me!”

In this project, we offer you personally, or perhaps together with your parents, to talk about your hobbies,  achievements, both creative and sporting, during distance learning, i.e. while you are all at home.

Perhaps you have learned how to cook deliciously, someone sat on the twine, someone learned to sing, play the guitar, read an interesting book, etc.

You should record a video (2-3 minutes) in which you talk about yourself and your hobby and send it to

The best projects will be posted on the school website in the gallery.

We start our project with a personal exhibition of a student of 7B class Isenova Dilnaz.

Recommendations for creating an attractive and safe selfie.

Before you pick up the phone and turn on the camera, decide what you need it for: you want to create a work of art that will inspire others, want to amuse your own pride and make sure you are cute, or present the result of your work on yourself to others.

Reminder “If you get into a difficult situation”

If you get in a difficult life situation, don’t desperate; fail in a panic or depression. Try to analyze your position with maximum clarity.

Guess who created this situation, if you, then, take responsibility.

Think, with whom you could talk frankly about the position in which you hit.

Don’t stay with the pain.

Try to contact an adult whose life experiences will help to evaluate and understand the situation.

Overcome your fear of parental anger. These are your native people, they do not cause you harm.

Believe that you can fix things; everything is in your hands.

It is important to know where and what assistance will be provided.

Family, school, your teacher, psychologist, social worker, medical officer, the Deputy of a Head master on educational work, Head master.