Reminder “If you get into a difficult situation”

Reminder “If you get into a difficult situation”

If you get in a difficult life situation, don’t desperate; fail in a panic or depression. Try to analyze your position with maximum clarity.

Guess who created this situation, if you, then, take responsibility.

Think, with whom you could talk frankly about the position in which you hit.

Don’t stay with the pain.

Try to contact an adult whose life experiences will help to evaluate and understand the situation.

Overcome your fear of parental anger. These are your native people, they do not cause you harm.

Believe that you can fix things; everything is in your hands.

It is important to know where and what assistance will be provided.

Family, school, your teacher, psychologist, social worker, medical officer, the Deputy of a Head master on educational work, Head master.

54-30-44-phone a school-lyceum №2

22-65-32-crisis Center (counseling 24 hours a day)

22-55-50-health center

54-00-08-Department for the protection of children’s rights.

57-57-72-Commission for not adults and protection of their rights in the Governor’s Office of Kostanay

39-08-50-hotline of the Department of education of the Akimat of the city

50-42-26-children’s public reception of the Department of education of the Akimat of the city 54-92-26-OF “Help”

54-21-55-regional Psycho neurological dispensary


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